Деловая сеть Москва
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Mixture of hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids
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Mixture of hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids Mixture of hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids; It is used in the oil industry for acid treatment of bottom-hole zones of terrigenous reservoirs.
Mixture of hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids It is used in the oil industry for acid treatment of bottom-hole zones of terrigenous reservoirs. At the request of the client, it is possible to prepare acid compositions according to an individual recipe, using various inhibitors and modifiers. For all questions please e-mail: info@npo-mosudarnik.ru
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Другие товары и услуги компании:

Hydrochloric acid from exhaust gases of chloro-organic productions Hydrochloric acid from exhaust gases of chloro-organic productions
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Hydrochloric acid from exhaust gases of chloro-organic productions; It is used for cleaning boilers and chemical water treatment (not related to drinking water supply);
10 р.
Hydrochloric acid inhibited Hydrochloric acid inhibited
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Hydrochloric acid inhibited; It is used in the production of chloride salts; for cleaning ceramic and metal products from chemical deposits;
10 р.
Inhibited mixture of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids Inhibited mixture of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids
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Inhibited mixture of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids; Применяется в нефтедобывающей промышленности для кислотных обработок призабойных зон терригенных коллекторов.
10 р.
Inhibited mixture of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids Inhibited mixture of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids
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Inhibited mixture of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids; It is used in the oil industry for acid treatment of bottom-hole zones of terrigenous reservoirs.
10 р.
Chlorine and hydrofluoric acid mixture Chlorine and hydrofluoric acid mixture
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Chlorine and hydrofluoric acid mixture; \; It is used in the oil industry for acid treatment of bottom-hole zones of terrigenous reservoirs.
10 р.
Snow removal truck. Russian dump truck with blade and sand spreader Snow removal truck. Russian dump truck with blade and sand spreader
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Snow removal truck; Russian dump truck with blade and sand spreader; Car dumper Ural 55571-5121-72F18 based on Ural-Next 55571-6121-72G38 chassis; Axels; 6x6; Engine; YMZ-53642-10 (EURO-4), diesel,;
10 р.

Товары и услуги других компаний:

Трансмиссионное маслоBP Energear HT 80W-90 GL-4/GL-5 208 л Трансмиссионное маслоBP Energear HT 80W-90 GL-4/GL-5 208 л
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Созданные первоначально как масла для грузовых автомобилей, Energear HT также подходят для легковых автомобилей, сельскохозяйственного и строительного оборудования
50 055 р.
Гидротрансмиссионное масло Castrol Agri Trans Plus 80W GL-4 208 л Гидротрансмиссионное масло Castrol Agri Trans Plus 80W GL-4 208 л
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Для применения в трансмиссии, гидравлической системе и коробке отбора мощности, c повышенной защитой от коррозии. Обеспечивает высокую защиту от износа в течение всего периода использования
29 800 р.
Информация о продавце
Экспортер Российской спецтехники, промышленной химии и удобрений